Nian Gao (年糕) Recipe

Feb 13, 2021

Ingredients (makes 3 small bowls)

  • 105g water
  • 100g Chinese brown sugar
  • 60g coconut Milk
  • 113g glutinous rice flour
  • 19g rice flour
  • 15g wheat starch
  • 15g oil


  1. Melt the brown sugar and water together on medium heat until melted, remove from heat
  2. Pour coconut milk into brown sugar/water mixture- mix is now warm
  3. In a separate bowl, sift together flours
  4. Make sure the mixture is now lukewarm
  5. Pour in the dry flour mix into the wet mix and whisk together using an electric mixer or hand whisk
  6. Strain mixture to ensure no clumps in the mixture
  7. Oil the container you’re steaming the nian gao in
  8. Steam for about 28 mins- test using a wooden stick until it is no longer sticks to the wood




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